Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
Dixmont State hospital closed since 1984 is scheduled to be torn down in June to make way for a Super Wal-mart....
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
I have just come across this board today and have been sitting here reading the posts that have been made. I dont feel that there is much that can be done to save the site from demolition. Especially...
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
Hey Tim, i go to Pitt and i want to do a speech on dixmont, is it possible for me to come up and get some pictures of the grounds and take a look around. my email is jml28@pitt.edu thanks
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
Just today, my friend and I drove around the roads that we legally could drive on near Dixmont, and I can't imaging a Walmart there. Infact, I can't imagine anything there. Yes, the building looks...
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
DanielleNicole,The Dixmont buildings are junk-there is no way to restore them. As for your other ideas such as a memorial park, that simply would not happen. The current owners bought the property...
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
If the owners were to put some type of memorial or whatever there, they would have to continue paying over 25 thousand dollars per month in property taxes. Obviously since the state sold it, they were...
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
I would like to get to Tom's Run road on my runs but hate to run on 65. Is it possible for you to get permission for this Mr. Stroyne?I have no interest in going in or near the buildings of Dixmont. I...
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
There will be a write up about Dixmont in the Pgh. Post Gazette magazine (inside the paper) on Easter Sunday if anyone's interested.Tim
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
ugly form of modern convenience? sounds like an oxymoron to me. if it wasn't for this "ugly convenience" in society today, you wouldn't be able to take a quick stop to the local grocer's to pick up...
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
i've noticed that a few people are opposing the plans for a walmart because they believe that dixmont state hospital is a historical landmark. but after reading today's article in the pittsburgh...
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
I think all of you that are all for making a Walmart in the spot of an historical landmark, an unbelievable building, and the coolest place in the world need to shut up and really think about...
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
Does anyone know WHEN they're tearing it down? I'd still like to see it..
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
i heard that wal-mart is not being built where dixmont is. the community decided against it. personally i believe the dixmont should be made a historical landmark. by looking at the cemetary records...
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
I just visited dixmont last week and the buildings do have a lot of damage, BUT, they are still fixable. If they can build a Wal-Mart from scratch, they can surely restore Dixmont. Ever been to a...
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
i am from new kensington pa and i want to know how to get to dixmont and it wouldbe cool if someone could help me
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
My name is Brian Schill, founder of the IPRF (International Parpasychology Research foundation)and author. If I may take a moment of your time I would like to ask whom I may contact about the Dixmont...
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
i dont wnat the walmart i love going to dixmont
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
Well i just got back from what might be my last time at Dixmont. Me and my friend went up we got to what I believe to be the barn where they kept the livestock, which is the next building after the...
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
So the question is Dixmont or Walmart? Well let me start of by saying that there are two sides to every story,and I am baffled on which side to agree with. I do think that Dixmont WAS a truly...
View ArticleRe: Dixmont State Hospital, PA about to be torn down
If you haven't been there lately! Go look, nothing left but a flat top! Yay! WalMart, finally a store to compete with the Canucks (Target) approriately named as it is the TARGET of WalMart attacks...
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